Eye Conditions
Glaucoma is a progressive eye condition that can result in irreversible blindness, due to pressure within the eye damaging the optic nerve (eye nerve). Over half a million people in the UK have glaucoma (2% of everyone over 40) and glaucoma accounts for 10% of people in the UK who go blind.
Early detection and treatment of glaucoma, in addition to regular on-going monitoring, is key to preventing damage to the optic nerve and subsequent vision loss. Our aim is to work with you to preserve as much of your vision as possible and maintain your independence wherever feasible. This can be achieved with eye drops, laser procedures or glaucoma surgery, where necessary.
We are able to offer a wide variety of options to you including the latest minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) such as the Hydrus® microstent, iStent inject® W, OMNI® Surgical System and the PreserFlo® MicroShunt, in addition to traditional gold-standard surgeries such as augmented trabeculectomy and glaucoma drainage device (tube) surgery.
Cataract is a normal ageing process where the focussing lens within the eye slowly hardens and becomes cloudy with time. It can result in your distance glasses prescription needing to be updated more frequently than usual and can result in blurry vision, halos or difficult seeing in low-light conditions. This can affect your confidence in performing daily activities such as driving, and can increase the risk of you falling and injuring yourself.
Cataracts cannot be treated with eye drops or laser and surgery is necessary if glasses are unable to improve your vision to a level you are happy with. All surgery is daunting, however, cataract surgery remains the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the UK and is generally very well tolerated by patients and safe.
We are experts in treating cataracts and use micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS) to remove your cataract through a wound less than 2 millimeters in width. No sutures are used and you are discharged home the very same day.
General Ophthalmology
General ophthalmic conditions such as dry eyes and red eyes can be incredibly bothersome and debilitating. For some chronic conditions there is no simple cure, however with a careful holistic approach of lifestyle changes and medication regimes, improvements can be made.
Having over a decade of experience in general ophthalmology conditions allows us to be able to help diagnose and treat the issue you are facing.